About us

The main profile of the company is the manufacture of conveyor belts, bucket elevators and tanks for all fields of agriculture and industry.

To prove our competitiveness and seriousness, we invite you to visit our factory in Szolnok, Mozdony u.1 where we can prove our innovative working concepts. You can meet us personally to get to know our products at exhibitions in ROMANIA as well as at European fairs for agricultural machines.

Our company

Firma ALEX KFT. infiintata in anul 1991 in Szolnok, cu capital exclusiv privat, si-a creat prestigiu atat in Ungaria cat si in tarile limitrofe, in calitate de producator si comerciant de masini si instalatii pentru transportul si transportarea cerealelor si a marfurilor in vrac.

The company with its 25 employees, satisfies a multitude of requirements in the field of transport equipment. Through precise technical solutions, our achievements in the food industry, wood industry, paper and construction materials, etc. as well as chemical factories are attested by the performances achieved in the 22 years of uninterrupted activity, in recent years diversifying the range of products, because we realized that only with high-performance products worldwide can we survive on the market. Our goal is to improve and expand exports, and for this it is necessary to continuously diversify production methods and increase transport capacity. Thus, our ambition is for our cars to become, the best of the best, something that every company that plans its long-term future aspires to.